Zombie Mutant Horror Pack

Zombie Mutant Horror Pack contains 5 characters
Human_Mutant contains 11 animations:
- Idle(1)
- Idle(2)
- Get hit
- Shout
- Dead
- Attack(1)
- Attack(2)
- Attack(3)
- Attack(4)
- Attack(5)
- Attack(6)
- Polys: 11,367
- Tris: 19,656
- Verts: 10,220
- Textures: Albedo, normal and specular map (all 4096-4096 size).
Zombie Y contains 7 animations:
- Idle
- Flying
- Shout
- Get hit
- Dead
- Attack(1)
- Attack(2)
- Model has 18,458 tris
- Textures: Albedo, normal and specular map (all 2048-2048 size).
Zombie Mutant contains 12 animations:
- Idle(1)
- Idle(2)
- Walk
- Run
- Get hit
- Shout
- Dead
- Attack(1)
- Attack(2)
- Attack(3)
- Walk Mecanim
- Run Mecanim
- Polys: 8,578
- Tris: 15,394
- Verts: 7,930
- Textures: Albedo, normal and specular map (all 4096-4096 size).
Slider Mutant contains 17 animations:
- Idle(1)
- Idle(2)
- Idle(3)
- Idle(4)
- Idle(5)
- Walk
- Run
- Get hit(1)
- Get hit(2)
- Dead(1)
- Dead(2)
- Attack(1)
- Attack(2)
- Attack(3)
- Attack(4)
- Walk Mecanim
- Run Mecanim
- Polys: 6,616
- Tris: 12,070
- Verts: 6,175
- Textures: Albedo, normal and specular map (all 2048-2048 size).
Dead Man X contains 14 animations:
- Idle(1)
- Idle(2)
- Idle(3)
- Get hit
- Shout
- Dead
- Attack(1)
- Attack(2)
- Attack(3)
- Attack(4)
- Walk
- Walk Mecanim
- Run
- Run Mecanim
- Polys: 5638
- Tris: 9566
- Verts: 4978
- Textures: Albedo, normal and specular map (all 4096-4096 size).