This pack provides easy Icon creation and quick texture generation to suit your personal art style. Either supply your own Mask or Image, or choose from a selection provided in this pack. Textures are then simply applied to a 2d or 3d model (models are provided).
So whether your looking to create icons for a stylized game/application or looking for a more realistic (PBR) style, these custom options will hopefully help you achieve the look you desire.
This package contains:
1x - 2d Icon model (1 polys/ 2 tris)
5x - 3d Icon Meshes (to suit your budget or use as LODs):
1x - Texture Generator containing all the custom options you need to create your icons (.sbsar file)
How it works; One easy to use material is packed with custom options:
- Colour controls for Trim, Background and Graphic.
- Drop-down menu for pre-sets Gold, Silver, Bronze, Custom Metal and Non metal input controls.
- Custom Inputs for a Mask, or an Image, or Type in your own Text.
- Scale and Offset controls.
- Optional Graphic Border, with colour control and thickness (for a more stylized/cartoon look).
- Roughness sliders for Shiny or Mat.
- A selection of Optional Painted Highlights.
- Includes Number Icons 0 to 9
Includes 15 Picture Icons, in a simple drop-down menu:
⭐ Cup
⭐ Star
⭐ Heart
⭐ Skull
⭐ Dollar
⭐ Timer
⭐ Euro
⭐ Three Stars
⭐ Lightning
⭐ Thumbs Up
⭐ Crown
⭐ Multi Star
⭐ and Blank (for those wanting just a plain button)
The followingTexture Maps are outputted:
-Base Color (including Alpha Map for 2d Icon)
Texture output resolution can be generated too suit your budget:
32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024.
A Demo Scene
Mask Template (PSD) is provided to help you get started.
Please note, for Unity 2018 and higher users, the Procedural Texture Generator requires the Free Substance plugin from the asset store.
If you do not wish to use the Substance Plugin for Unity there is also a great alternative, a free standalone program called Substance Player
Simply load the model and the .sbsar I have provided and generate your own materials using the customisation options.
There are many texture formats to export too. Then bring your textures into Unity or a program of your choice.
Please contact me if you require any additional help.