Advanced Rule Tiles

2.0 out now - read changelog

-Used to make rule tiles change their appearance based on the tiles around them (great for areas where water meets sand and everywhere or anywhere you want your tile textures to blend)
-Includes all the code/functions of 2D-Assets' rule tiles
-Does not depend on any 2D-Assets assets
-All you have to do is add in a rule tile & use the inspector GUI

Just add it to your project and click create>advanced rule tile

-Allows you to make additional rules for each tile: inclusive rules (up to 7 per tile) and exclusive rules (up to 6 per tile)
-Inclusive rule: Returns true if any of the designated tile types neighbor the rule tile in the specified direction (like the green check-mark does for tiles of the same type as the rule tile)
-Exclusive rule: Returns true only if none of the designated tile types neighbor the rule tile in the specified direction (like the red x does for tiles of same type as the rule tile)
-You don't have to click through rule icons you aren't using
-Each rule (inclusive or exclusive) allows unlimited tile types to be designated