Graph Maker

Unity 4.6.3 - 5.0.0 = Graph Maker 1.4. Unity 5.0.1+ = Latest Graph Maker.

Graph Maker - drag and drop ready to use graphs, and highly customize / change at run-time.

Demo - Plot Overtime
Demo - Dynamic
PDF Manual
API Docs
Intro Video
Tutorial Video
TextMesh Pro Video
Unity Forum Thread

- Customize dozens of visual aspects at run-time
- Highly optimized for performance
- Line graphs, bar graphs, stacked bar graphs
- Stacked line graphs, and custom area shading
- Ring graphs
- Radar graphs
- Pie graphs
- Grids and random graphs
- Hierarchical Trees
- API for generating data for several math functions
- Helper classes to populate data dynamically via reflection
- Add / delete series at run-time
- Optional animations and tooltips with no coding required
- TextMesh Pro Support