Cartoon Monkeys

This package contains a cartoon monkey with the third character controller set up, perfect to work as into a runner adventure, customize it with objects, work as a NPC or a second character into a cartoon scene. The shader can be tweaked to cartoon, unlit or standard shader, It contains a diffuse texture.

It has a separate tail, so it can be used, it can be hidden, or it can be completely removed.

Blog entry about Cartoon Monkeys

And the facebook page of Saucy sushi shop

The character is animated into different FBX, wich can be switched between generic and Humanoid setup, but the Third character controller is set as Humanoid.

It has a complete third character controller set up, the animations considered on this first package are:

-Acrobatic jump
-Crouch (idle)
-Crouch walk
-Slap (while walking)
-Hard slap
-Throw (while walking)
-Throw, standing still

-Being slapped
-Being kicked
-Being hit

-Poses of the three wise monkeys

This package also contains a test level for the character, wich is shown at the video


It may contain some warnings into the animation layers, describing some ignored movement, scale or rotation.
Sounds or music are not included on the pack.