Living Particles OFFICIAL SALE

HDRP, URP, and Built-In support

Update v1.4: Audio reactive particle shaders are here! Check the latest video, also HDRP shaders are now converted to Shader Graph and fully editable.

Update v1.3: Finally, HDRP and LWRP compatible packages. Also, GPU shaders will boost FPS 2-4 times compared to old ones.

Update v1.2: Morph effects and shaders, fully vertex-animated PBR mesh particles

BONUS: Aditional VFX Textures and Gradients for better customization

- Mobile and VR support

- 34 Complete VFX Prefabs

- Array shader variants

- PBR shader variants

- 19 Gradients and Ramps

- 50+ Textures and Noises

- Different ground patterns

- Linear and Gamma ready

- HDR Support

- Deferred and Forward rendering

- 12 VFX Meshes

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