Formerly called the "VR STARTER KIT FOR OCULUS", Now the VR Kit uses Unity XR.
This allows the kit to use any VR Hardware that is compatible with Unity XR.
The Kit comes with a Complete Demo Game with Gun and Melee Combat.

Forum Thread

RECOMMENDED UNITY BUILD IS: Unity 2020.2.0f1 As soon as the Store Tools are Updated, We will upload the 2020.2 build. Until then you can manually update it using Unity Hub.

Just create an Empty Universal Pipeline Project and import the package.

Switch between Teleporting and First Person Shooter Mode in a Single Button Press!!

Player Rotation Matches The HMD When The Player Is Holding Still.
No longer do you have to make FRONT FACING GAMES. :)

** Emerald AI Compatible **

Asynchronous Scene Loading of the Game Scene

Radial Scene Loading Progress Bars

Desktop Mode when HMD is Removed

Rigidbody Character Controller

Premade FPS Prefab (Just drop it in a scene and hit play)

Built In Walk and Run Speeds

Player Turning and Jumping

Easily set up any object to be Interactively Grabbable

Distance Grabbing

All Grabbed Object’s Positions and Rotations can be set Individually for Each Hand

Pistol Combat

Melee Combat

Pulling for Objects with Arced movement.
(Such as Doors or the Lid to a Treasure Chest)

Pulling and Dragging Objects with either Trigger Button (Detects Closest Point on the Collider)

Example of Fading Distant Materials.

Pull Lever Example

Slide Lever Example

Push Button Example

Demo Game

Game Manager that controls the number of enemies

Particle Event when Enemies Die

Enemy Spawning System with Particle FX

GUI with Fully Function Player Health and Player Score